rasdaman newsletter 01/2014
OGC navigator - Jacobs University supports OGC certification
Bremen. On the occasion of Intergeo 2013 Jacobs University introduces a new service adressed to software vendors: mentoring and conformance guidance for OGC certification.
This competent support implies extensive cost- and time savings. Varieties of geo software make the decision what product should be provided difficult: OGC, ISO, INSPIRE - many requirements software must fulfill to convince customers. Especially conformance with relevant standards will be checked critically. Conversely it´s difficult for suppliers standing out from the crowd and profiling themselves because everyone claims standard conformance. For this reason OGC has established standardized conformance testings - a seal of quality which is an important criteria providing software.
Jacobs University has coined relevant OGC standards for many years. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Peter Baumann, the research team of the department of Computer Science has developed more than a dozen OGC standard specifications, i.e. the unified coverage model, WCS suite and all conformance testings for coverage services. Particularly with regard to INSPIRE Annex II und III where coverages play a central role, this worldwide unique expertise is of eminent importance for products claiming standard conformance. Jacobs University provides this expertise to general public. Seminars and advisory services will be offered to data and service providers.
“Principally each company is abled to carry out conformance testings for itself because these testings are freely accessible”, Prof. Dr. Peter Baumann, head of Jacobs University reseach team, explains. “However for staff it´s essential familiarizing themselves with underlying facts and practicing the test engine autonomously. This procedure will save time and money. We are cutting corners.”
For vendors this procedure implicates cost savings and accelerates time-to-market. Furthermore researchers offer more intensive testings on demand as ruled by OGC, which means an increase of product quality. Though Jacobs University guaranties strict confidentiality: no product leaves its place of development - only web access to product installation is necessary for testing. All results will only be communicated to the awarding authority. All testings are carried through under full cost-control. Every step of certification can be booked individually as well as advisory service.
Further information: http://jacobs-university.de/ogc and email p.baumann@jacobs-university.de .