rasdaman newsletter 05/2014
FOSS4G-Europe 2014 - Early Bird Registration extended to May 30 - Final Program released
It's been a busy few weeks as things start to come together for FOSS4G Europe 2014 – but now, admittedly with some delay, we have managed the challenge of compiling an exciting program, which you can find under: http://www.foss4g-e.org/program-glance
To give everyone time to have a look at the schedule before booking, we’ve extended the Early Bird registration deadline to May 30, 2014. In the meantime, many thanks to all who submitted abstracts – it has been a challenge to select the best of all excellent submissions passed in the last weeks. Altogether, the conference received about 78 abstracts in the general and 16 for the academic track. Every abstract has been carefully evaluated by the program committee to obtain a fair ranking. On the whole there has been a very satisfying presence of topics relating to the relevant Open-Source-tools like GeoServer, MapServer, Zoo, rasdaman, Grass, and several more. As well OGC-standards like WMS, WMS, WCS, WCPS, WPS, and SOS have the attention of the community. All in all the bandwidth of proposals shows a good representation of the general trends in the geospatial world. In addition the Local Organizing Committee has secured facilities to run additional workshops and a code sprint during the conference.
A lot of registrations form Europe and beyond have poured in already, so make sure you are part of the crowd in this visionary European geo happening. Sign in now! http://www.foss4g-e.org/