rasdaman newsletter 11/2015
ESA Conference "Big Data from Space" 2016
2015-oct-31: The Second Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS '16) will be held at the Auditorium of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) on 15-17 March 2016. The conference is jointly organised by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, and the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), in collaboration with the Instituto de Astrof=C3=ADsica de Canarias (IAC).
The objective is to bring together researchers, engineers and users working in the Big Data from Space sector. The focus of the Big Data from Space Conference is on Data Science, addressing the whole data lifecycle (from data acquisition by space-borne and ground-based sensors to data management, analysis and exploitation). Various space-related domains are concerned, like Earth Observation, Space Science, Solar System Objects, Space Situational Awareness, Secure Societies, etc.
The conference addresses various themes and offers several options for contributions: oral presentations in standard or invited sessions, poster sessions, demo sessions, elevator pitches, etc.
Conference details are available at: congrexprojects.com
Please feel invited to submit, by November 07, two page abstracts via theelectronic submission system, as indicated on the conference web site.
Notification of Acceptance will be provided by December the 20th. Additional information on the Final Program, hotel accommodation, transports, etc. will be provided on the Conference Web site.