
rasdaman newsletter 04/2016


rasdaman newsletter 07/2016

EGU 2016 Splinter meeting: EarthServer - the Global Datacube Federation

Meet EarthServer at the splinter meeting "EarthServer: the Global Datacube Federation" at EGU 2016, Tue, 19 Apr, 12:15–15:00 / Room 2.83.

One of today's most influential initiatives in Big Geo Data is EarthServer which is paving the way for flexible, scalable datacube services based on innovative NewSQL technology. Researchers from Europe, the US and recently Australia have teamed up to rigorously materialize the datacube paradigm for Earth Observation, ocean, meteorological, and planetary science.

The platform technology, rasdaman, enables ad-hoc datacube analytics and fusion. Integrated metadata / datacube retrieval is under preparation. Relying on the OGC Big Geo Data standards, WCS and WCPS, "any question, anytime, on any size" becomes possible from open-source tools like OpenLayers, ncWMS, QGIS and proprietary tools like ESRI ArcGIS. NASA WorldWind adds high-end visualization. EarthServer databases have transceded 100 TB and are currently heading towards the Petabyte frontier. Single queries have been split automatically across more than 1,000 cloud nodes.

In this meeting, EarthServer will be presented live: its vision, technology, existing services, and its impact on Big Datacube standards. Questions will be answered like "why is it advantageous for our data center join the federation?", "how can we do it, and how much effort is needed?".

PS: Snacks and refreshments will be provided free of cost.

your rasdaman team