rasdaman newsletter 10/2016
rasdaman 9.3 Released
Open-source rasdaman v9.3.0 is now available for download, see rasdaman.org. Important feature additions include:
- Enhanced NetCDF support
- GRIB format support
- Advanced JSON-style format-parameters support in encode/decode
- WCSTImport supports a general coverage recipe that can be used with complex formats like GRIB or NetCDF
- WCPS uses a brand new and improved parser and implementation by default
- CRS reprojection now available in both WCS and WCPS
- automated download, compilation, and deployment through a brand new installer script
Deployment can be done through one of these options:
- From source - just run the installer script
- Packages - RPM (CentOS 7) and DEB (Ubuntu Trusty / Debian 8) are available; more distros will come soon
- Virtual machines - readily configured with a running rasdaman instance
Full details can be found at rasdaman version 9.3 .