rasdaman newsletter 08/2017
Upcoming Event: INSPIRE Conference 2017
September 2017 - Europe, in its quest for a harmonized Spatial Data Infrastructure, will hold its annual INSPIRE conference in Kehl (Germany) from 04 to 05 September and in Strasbourg (France) from 06 to 08 September. Rasdaman CEO, Peter Baumann, will present tutorials on INSPIRE coverage handling and WCS during this week, as well as the official OGC and INSPIRE WCS Reference Implementation, rasdaman. Further, live demos will be given at the rasdaman booth in the exhibition area showing cloud processing and intercontinental federation of datacubes.
Workshops (in collaboration with the INSPIRE team):
- INSPIRE WCS: From Mystery to Mastery (Monday)
- INSPIRE Thematic Cluster #3 – Pushing implementation of European coverage data and services forward (Friday)
- Spice Me Up: The Extended OGC Coverage Implementation Schema (Wednesday)
- rasdaman: Big Data Cubes at Your Fingertips (Thursday)
- 'Any query, anytime, any size': the rasdaman scalable datacube engine (Friday)
- Big Datacubes for Agriculture: Insight on a Fingertip
- Space-Time Datacubes - the Emerging Paradigm for Big Earth Data
Contact: Dr. Peter Baumann, baumann@rasdaman.com