rasdaman newsletter 08/2015
Release of rasdaman 9.1 Brings More Performance, Functionality
Version 9.1 of the pioneer Array Database, rasdaman, is now available fordownload. It represents yet another important increase in performance, functionality, and OGC standards support.
After relentless community efforts over the last months, version 9.1 of rasdaman is now available from the open-source portal www.rasdaman.org. Dimitar Misev, a core developer of rasdaman, announced the news on the rasdaman list indicating a series of highly pertinent enhancements.
One set of new features concerns functionality and performance, it includes: External tool support is available for R and python; queries automatically respect null / nodata values; based on user experience, new functionality has been added which specifically eases and accelerates massive timeseries analysis; a new client/server protocol boosting performance and scalability; type management has been simplified by integrating it with the query language.
Further, support for OGC standards has been broadened: WCS-T, the forthcoming OGC standard for Web-based Big Data maintenance and mashups, is fully implemented; support for WMS 1.3 has been added; the WCS Web client offers comprehensive support for WCS Core and all Extensions; and WCPS is prepared for the forthcoming version 2.0 of the standard which is currentlyunder preparation.
Notably, the rasdaman company keeps on contributing code. In addition to manifold detail code enhancements, with version 9.1 null/nodata support has been released from the commercial to the open-source version, a feature which has been repeatedly been asked for by the data science community.These contributions have been made possible through EU funded projects PublicaMundi and EarthServer-2.
At the EarthServer review in Fall 2014, independent reviewers attested, based on "proven evidence", that rasdaman will "significantly transform the way that scientists [...] will be able to access and use data in a way that hitherto was not possible".