rasdaman Installation
Leave it to us to dive into deployment! Pick the best fitting choice from several alternatives, or contact us for further ones:
- For an on-site installation we come to your premises and install and configure the software. This approach is preferred for situations where access from outside is not feasible or if the hardware is difficult to transport. In combination with an introductory workshop you reap double benefit from your investment.
- Remote installation via secure access (ssh) is the cost-efficient standard today. Likewise, this is the best means for subequent maintenance.
- Installation on hardware provided is what we do if you send us your server machine. Following installation, configuration, and test (possibly using your test data provided to us) you receive a ready-made geo data infrastructure.
rasdaman Maintenance and Support
For protecting your investment we offer full-support maintenance contracts for rasdaman, both on the open source rasdaman community edition and -- of course -- on the proprietary version rasdaman enterprise, adjusted to your needs.
- First-Level Support for end users and portal operators.
- Second-Level and Third-Level Support for partners and service providers.
rasdaman Feature Implementation
We have architected and implemented rasdaman, the first complete Array DBMS. Since 1994. Together with our partner, Jacobs University, we have forked the open-source version rasdaman community. This unrivalled experience we gladly invest to advance the rasdaman technology further -- doing so on the open-source rasdaman community version as well. By the way, as can be seen in the commit logs on www.rasdaman.org, we still are among the most frequent code contributors, regularly releasing new features into open-source.
Big Data Consulting
Tap into our long-standing experiences in raster services, databases, and Web technology to solve your challenge rapidly, competently, and reproducibly. Benefit from our competencies resulting from shaping "Big Data" standards in the Open GeoSpatial Consortium, ISO, and INSPIRE. Grounding on a valuation of trends and established technologies we develop sustainable, resilient concepts and solutions.